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Days By Design

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Do you ever feel like your days are slipping by and you are not moving your business & life forward?

I have definitely felt that way. Especially before I implemented the Days By Design Method & Operating System.

What are “Days By Design”?

This is where you intentionally design your schedule, your calendar and your routines around habits that help you to achieve your goals. Goal setting is great but only if you have the habit setting that goes behind it.Goals mean nothing without action and consistent action.

So how do we create our Days by Design?

First and foremost – we have to create our Lifestyle Design first! Yes you heard that right, lifestyle goals before business goals.


Lifestyle Design

So here’s how you will map out your goals for your lifestyle. We use the 6 F’s – Family, Financial, Fun, Fulfillment, Fitness and Friends.

What are your gamily goals? For example we want to do weekly board game night. That is the goal and adding it to the calendar for 1 hour every Thursday night is the habit.

What are your financial goals? If you want to pay off debt, do you have a task to make a credit card payment weekly or monthly? Have you added it to your budget? What is the action behind it.

What trips do you want to take? What activities do you want to do? – Are they on the calendar with a task to plan the trip? Did you take action and block out date nights ON THE CALENDAR?

Do you want to read 2 books a month? Do you have 15 minutes daily on your calendar to read so you can achieve that?

Do you want to lose 10 pounds? What action will you take and do you have that on your calendar?

Friends (or other relationships)
Do you want to have a monthly happy hour with friends? Do you want to schedule dinner with parents? – Is is on the calendar every month and blocked out time for that?


Business Design

Revenue Goals
What is your goal number, how many packages do you need to sell and do you have sales and business development time on your calendar daily?

Project Goals
Is your goal to write a book? How many pages do you need to write daily to reach that goal – is it on your calendar for writing time?

Daily Business Routine
Are you blocking out Fridays for free days? Are you blocking out your morning for a slow morning? Are you adding buffer time between meetings? Are you adding admin time? What do you want your business day to look like if you designed it?

The problem I see with most entrepreneurs (and people in general) is that we FILL our calendar with meetings, calls and things that we think we should be doing. But we don’t have time blocked for lunch or admin time or sales time. So you have a full calendar and you STILL have to do all of those things. Which means working late nights, early mornings and feeling burnt out. Not to mention we always put business first and lifestyle and personal stuff last – so then our self care suffers. (hint hint – not eating lunch and running on coffee day in and day out)

You probably see the pattern between all of this.

If you have a goal, you have to have a habit ON THE CALENDAR for that to happen.

Goals set the vision, Habits make it Happen. So go take action today and implement even just one habit in one of these areas!

Learn more with our New Days By Design Private Podcast Series


Brittany Dixon & Co.

Hi, I'm Brittany!

Mom of Twins. Dog Mom. Lover of books, charcuterie boards, wine, board games (I have over 95!), bougie cocktails, candy and basically all sweets!!

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Our Process

Phase 1: Review, Assessment & Planning
Phase 2: Optimization & Implementation
Phase 3: Automation & Refinement
Phase 4: Documentation & Delegation